The Hamster Conundrum and A Day of Thanksgiving


Our investigator tried to give me a hamster! His name is Neville and he was so cute and soft and I wanted to keep him just to make her happy in spite of it being against mission rules. It’s a good thing Sister Sam is obedient and had the inspiration to ask two teenage boys that were standing nearby smoking if they wanted to take him! One of them actually did, he has hamsters at home and has several cages for him so it was perfect! Heavenly Father knew we would need a miracle right then and He timed it perfectly! If they hadn’t taken him I would have been disobedient or Neville would have been abandoned in the wilderness!

We also had a very happy Thanksgiving with all the missionaries in the zone! The Mission gave us 4 hours on thursday to celebrate and we all brought delicious food and played games and shared what we were grateful for. Holidays on the mission are special and I think it’s very fitting that my last holiday here is Thanksgiving. There are so many things to be grateful for and I learned during personal study this week from True to the Faith, that when we are truly grateful to Heavenly Father we cannot be mean-spirited or bitter. Being grateful for all the tender mercies from the Lord and the blessings allow us to be happy and to make the right decisions in life.

I am grateful for Heavenly Father sacrificing and sending His Son for me. I am grateful for lving and modern day prophets. I am grateful for my family and for repentance and change and growth. I am grateful for friends and knowledge and opportunities and second chances. I am grateful I am here in Hong Kong as a representative of Jesus Christ at this time in my life.

God is good.

Carry on!


Sister Cook


P Day Hiking Butler Mountain – Hong Kong Side

Neville the Hamster, A gift from an Investigator

Thanksgiving Day Festivities


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